Wednesday 7 November 2012

Testimonies experienced before this blog revolution.

  1. 23 July via Mobil
     brothers and sisters, I dont know what the full interpretation of the dream is but the Lord will surely reveal it more! it's obvious that it is a clear reminder that HE is here, even at the door! put on your wedding gowns now for without warning... the tide is going to hit. [ALL WORDS PUT IN BRACKETS ARE CLEARLY MINE JUST FOR CLARITY]

  2. WOW! gudmorning y'all. I just have somethin I feel the Lord would love me to share! so, here it is...
    I woke up at 3am today and just started to pray in the spirit for some good time. we are learning about INTERCESSION in SCHOOL OF PRAYER, so I did my bit of the chores! prayed for the nation etc. went back to bed at about 4am and at around 7am, I HAD A DREAM! IT seemed as though it was the beginn

    ing stages of THE GREAT TRIBULATION! we were in Uganda and there was an army that was pursuing literally about every one. but.. people were mob FEW( if you wanted, you could even walk about counting!) the army was gathering each one and (I interpreted the signs as if people were being assembled for some 'guy' to start questioning each one and order the death of whoever gave an answer he didn't want to hear! those of you who know about this.. in those days people will be killed for confessing JESUS and denying the ANTI-CHRIST!) in a second, we were in CHINA. sounds of the army on on the streets(the uniform of the army was the same as that of the one in Uganda- the army was ONE) people were running everywhere, to hide? I don't know. Apparently, I was there leading a group of young men who in the dream I knew as friends though now I cannot make out their faces!, trying to escape being caught. we were putting on the army uniform (so I figure we must have killed some guys and masqueraded around in disguise till things backfired) in CHINA where we were caught!
    TESTIMONY: Abt 3weeks back, I was led to pray in the spirit. In no tym, I was in the Spirit. I was led by the Spirit of God to a house in the USA on some street, to pray n lay hands on a lady who had gvn brth bt had sirias complications! Nway, I......Yeah, I lfted the baby from its crib n prayed for it n went to the otha syd to the mom n laid hnds on her belly n declared she b wel. Halelujah!

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